I have no idea how this blog will pan-out... I do know it is something I 'have' to do. Over time I have written down so much, formulated so many ideas- & changed them (maybe 'refined' is a better description), helped & been helped by so many people... Hopefully some of my thoughts will be of help to you. Whether you agree with or accept anything I say is irrelevant- if you take the time to read this, then my ideas become catalysts for your own even if you reject mine. In fact I would say do not simply accept anything you read... mull it over, feel the sense of the words and the energy behind them... use your intuition. Only accept what you feel, know, is right for you at this time.
There are many things that I have heard or been told that I could not accept at the time... but as time goes on some of these ideas float back. Sometimes I still reject them, or maybe they help understand a point of view I come across... sometimes it sparks a train of thought that helps me reach some understanding of either the original idea or of something completely different! We are continually learning as we move through this life- some things don't make sense until we gain more knowledge or experience... but we never stand still.
There will be no particular order or format to this blog as there is no specific start or end point. Everyone is at different levels, not higher or lower, just different. There is no right or wrong way, just different ways that individual people find better for them.
I can tell my way, that is all- I am not telling anyone what they should do. It is my intention to help, to encourage, to inspire, to provoke thought... and satisfy my need to write & share! I hope you pop back from time to time and contribute with your thoughts & comments.
love & blessings
suzi x